The Piano Lady!

She is the best; was their claim,
Not just them; but huge was her hall of fame;
You have to listen, with glee they exclaimed!
I thus set out to ascertain the veracity of the same.

With great poise sat she, in front of the grand piano,
This was just the beginning of the music to follow;
As she rehearsed the notes of her melody,
This was the perfect precursor to the ensuing symphony.

What followed was the magic of the performance,
One of the finest that I’ve witnessed in existence;
As her nimble fingers caressed the zebra keys,
The sound of music filled the void of peace...

And with her singing, erupted the audience around,
Who later were silenced as they sat spell bound;
The freshness of the music and the life in her voice,
Stole the show without any surprise!

And as she arose to acknowledge the thunderous applause,
The epitome of humility felt overawed;
But she had beaten many a maestro at their own game,
She was better than the best in her rise to fame.

A brilliant performance : My Oh My!
True to the spirit of : awesome music can get you high!
May the music of life be with you for long,
For, you are indeed the Nightingale of IIM Shillong...

P.S. - More on the Piano Lady (title inspired by Billy Joel's Piano Man) can be found here . The link is 7 years old though. will update more as I find them.

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12 Responses
  1. Great one Ashu!!Could not agree more..
    Miss Rukma Jayaram, or should I call her "Miss modesty personified", has a voice so sweet that it will remain etched in my memory for ever. Her hands perform magic even without a wand! The way she runs her hand over the keyboard with such poise and ease - she leaves you totally spellbound that it takes time even for my brain to command "Close your mouth and listen" :)
    Hail Rukma!!We are all proud of you gal!

  2. It was indeed an enthralling performance by a gem... not just the piano but the singing was awe-inspiring too... a well-deserved tribute... and btw, Nicely done Ashu!!!

  3. Great work Ashu...and yes...yesterday was memorable...we are all proud to have such highly talented people amongst us... :)

  4. as ashu does it always.... to put the best of stuff in the best of words... :) truly amazing as it was... i regret my fate to have missed it live, but can imagine the supremacy of the performance.... we are all proud of the lady.

    P.S. - I was the first person in IIM S to discover the link mentioned in the post. :)

  5. gravatar Rukma

    A stupendous piece of literary work, although I'm not sure I am worthy of all that has been written about me..I am truly completely overwhelmed by the effort and the appreciation..Thank you so much..

  6. gravatar Anonymous

    great combination -your passion for musi+ your ability to express yourself= amazing piece of work :)

  7. @ Veena: perfectly said

    @ Mohit : thanks to the Cult Com @ IIM Shillong for such a wonderful nite.

    @ Bhassi: thanks :)

    @ Abhi: yeah buddy... u were the first to discover the link..u r always the pioneer :)

  8. @ Rukma : humility yet again :P

  9. @Anonymous : thanks. appreciate the compliment...

  10. Great description always.
    It feels as if we were actually present at the event....such is your description....keep up the gr8work!!!

  11. @suja : i was indeed present :) it was the junior's talent show on wednesday..

  12. gravatar Anonymous

    wow! I completely agree with you, didn't someone capture that moment of moments on the camera, do you have the video link??