Dev D - Movie Review

Dev D= Daaru + Drugs + Damsels => DISASTER.

Am not wasting any time of either the reader or myself, any further.

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4 Responses
  1. gravatar Anonymous

    daru+dope+damsels = deadly combi for a movie...perhaps nt upto ur mark...but i surely luvd it..

  2. gravatar Anonymous

    the worst. what a disgrace for black directors Thank Fingaz you just took us back 1oo yrs.GET IT TOETHER.

  3. gravatar Anonymous

    Wack movie.what was the plot? lol above comment.All the black on black Do you work for the Klan??????????

  4. gravatar Anonymous

    I think the movie was ok. It was his first movie. I'm sure he will see the mistakes that were made and make corrections for his next one. Practice makes perfect.