A visit to the beach

I'm sure most of you would've visited a beach that is one of nature's greatest creations. Residing in a port city gives me the privilege of reaching out to a beach that is 15 minutes drive from home. The serenity of the rythmic waves lashing the banks coupled with the myriad colors of aquatic life present a picture of Xanadu.

Warm groundnuts and peppery popcorn add the spice to the experience.

The boundless limitation of the mind takes over and spawns the process of creativity.

but my reverie is broken, by the occasional thought of strife and hatred that prevail the world over, with man failing to appreciate the essence of existence.

Pic: Juhu Beach Mumbai... Sunrise or Sunset? the question is rhetoric...

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1 Response
  1. From my little knowledge I believe that you will only witness sunset in Juhu beach...I learnt it from my bitter experience...read my blog...