Learning to Let Go….

The upbeat mood brought a cheer to his face
He thought these were signs of a healthy grace,
Teams functioned, but groups emoted,
Thus he felt his presence was appreciated.

A champion he was, in whatever he did,
After long, one group, he got himself affiliated with,
But here too, Scorned at and Sidelined was he, in conversations aplenty,
His mind was filled with questions very many.

Were people whom he liked, felt forced by his presence?
Was the lull in the room a signal of abstinence?
Did the rest indeed scorn at his persistence?
Were the very answers he sought, a burden to his existence?

This and more he thought for long,
He confronted his chums with due aplomb,
An intelligent man needs no signals, they said,
And halted his journey in his stead….

Momentary was the guilt of rejection,
Which quite sometime ago was a sign of appreciation,
The time had come for him to know
That everything in this world had to be learnt to let go.

A heavy heart always writes better emotions,
The journey ought to continue in the chosen direction,
A lone warrior he had always been,
And future battles were not yet foreseen.

Life’s shocks are worth the price tag they come with,
Every penny of learning made him stronger bit by bit,
But human emotions will eventually have their say,
For, how long can he tread the solitary way?.....

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2 Responses
  1. gravatar Anonymous


    I guess something I can relate myself with too..infact most of us :)

    but sometimes it happens often one feel like solitary reaper but infact there is whole new world is out there

    U know sometimes this individual drops which have the thirst to touch ground make a stream..it just everything takes time..

    u ..others..everyone need time.. m sure the verses will be rewritten


  2. gravatar Anonymous

    Hi Ashu...really nice one....
    how long did it take to write this one?
