
Recap: the story so far....

Hmmm. it's been quite some time since i blogged, considering the gung ho pace with which I started. A hectic IT schedule (now fellow IT ians, don't smirk) coupled with a long weekend and granny's home made sweets topped with Ma's pampering and Dad's gyan and finally, FOWF (freaking out with friends) - all this gave me little time to focus on the blog world.

The world is changing at a hectic pace. Lot of my buddies clearing GRE and waiting for VISA dates, a few colleagues searching for greener pastures,the God's Debris has been an interesting read, few classmates getting engaged/married, many whom i know have convertered their IIM calls and two hard talks at the CII conclave which truly were mind blowing. All this and more within a span of one week.

I now feel, if there is one person who has not undergone metamorphosis, that is me.The sudden feeling of "so much is to be achieved" has gotten into me. But then again, I may appear to be doing nothing from the outside, but at the cellular level, I m quite busy.

Chennai is getting hotter by the minute, and my poor bike seat is being used by the local chai wala to make dosas and uthappams utilizing the latent heat.

Whoever said the 20 something years are something to reckon with, was dead right.
Looking at a computer monitor and rattling about technology doesn't excite some people. They would rather sit by the river and draw a wonderful painting, better even, they would think through the next wave of Gen X advertising.

Here I am typing into my blog, hoping things will change some day..that I will realise (in Dad's jargon) - my DELI - Deeply Embedded Life Interest. Change is always better, it rattles status quo. Satisfaction with static state is often lack of opportunity.

But first, I need to focus...an update on the Masti in Wonder la coming up, as requested by Ramaiah Santhosh... Now is there a disconnect between Wonder la and achievement in life?

Ignorance is bliss....

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5 Responses
  1. gravatar Art

    Dont worry Ashu.. things will happen... and every moment there is some change or the other :)

  2. Ashu,

    Just an observation and not a correction...

    In India we used to use the term "to Freak out" with respect to having fun with friends, etc...but after moving to US I understand that here it is used in a totally different concept...

    It simply means to get scared...

    Same word different meanings!!

    BTW...are you not planning to join the exodus to the US??

  3. @Art: thanks Art.. hope things change for the better....

  4. @Anu: Thanks for the gyan Anu, yes, I agree... He he.. exodus to the US. not yet...

  5. gravatar Anonymous

    You are casting a bore hole across my brains !!!