Blog Blocked...

No. that's not a problem with Blogger...

The system admin guys in office have blocked blog uploads and viewing owing to some Security Audit that is to happen on a scale as big as the cricket world cup. The company wants the auditors to earn every penny and dont want to provide freebies for them to hang on to. so till then, blog buffs like me are going underground and I have figured out a loophole to bypass the firewall thanks to my sinister Computer Engineering skills. Who says techies are nerds..They are of use some where atleast...

But this act of mine is detected and the loop hole is plugged...

The Illuminati strikes back...[read as Dan Brown].

Please bear with sporadic post frequency...

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2 Responses
  1. gravatar Anonymous

    oh my god! how will i survive now?? shit. i survive on your posts more than on water and air. this is not done. you are denying me my right to life. This amounts to human rights violation. How dare you inflict torture upon people??
    no. this isn't done. We CANT do without reading new posts from you everyday. Go to a cybercafe. Think of some other way to do this. Steal, beg, borrow. Just give us those posts everyday!!! PLEASE! For the love of God, PLEASE!!!!

  2. Hey AShu,
    BAck here after eons, and must say, it was an hour (almost) well spent! :D

    What's the update on the ulcers?!
