Inspiring Innovation

“Change is the only constant” opine those from the pragmatic school of thought. Though this adage sounds a little paradoxical, it is actually quite true when we peer through the looking glass and have a second look.

The most important driver for all actions is the thoughts formed in one’s mind and sharing ideas is the best way to promote collective learning. Learning from failures and looking at “what could have been better” have inspired generations of innovations.

Looking at the successes of individuals and organizations points to one aspect. For an achievement to happen, it needs both good ideas and implementation of the same. Having either of the two does not imply successful resolution. Infosys, which has been the icon of Indian IT capability also has these dual elements in it - Mr. Narayana Murthy is the thinker and Mr. Nilekani is the Implementer.

The order of the day demands “clarity of thought” which acts as the propelling force.

Consider a simple analogy, often quoted and forgotten equally often. A baby elephant was tied to a pole with a rope and how much ever it tried, it could not break free. Successive attempts yielded no results.

The elephant grew up and was now quite strong but was still tied to the pole with the weak rope, and with one lug at it, the elephant could be free. But the pre-conceived notion that it could not break away owing to its past experience kept it away from the taste of freedom.

Many of us are like the elephant where we cease to think beyond past experiences which act as barriers preventing us from moving on in life.

The ideal scenario would be to pick up the positives and shed the baggage behind. I know it is easier said than done, but that has to be the plan to implement for each one of us.

In fact, as you are reading this article right now, a lot of thoughts might be racing on the mind’s expressway, and the emotion could range from appreciation, to acknowledgement, and dislike to mere indifference. But it is important we all foster positive emotions (the discretion of which I leave it to you) since emotions translate to actions.

So, the next time around please exercise the power of thought that is a gift to us humans and differentiates us in the chain of evolution.

Signing off on this post, I leave you with some self-composed lines that re-enforce the power of thoughts….

Thoughts form the foundation for the cement called Inspiration,
And this inspiration coupled with Application always results in a beautiful Innovation


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