At the frontier of Uncertainty

The future is bright they once said,
Despite what the turn of things were,
The challenge lay in taming destiny,
And I so set out on the arduous journey.

I met wise men along the way
Don’t be fooled or swayed away,
So, they said on experiences I may have,
They are all for a reason with a test of time

Friends, Mentors, fellow travelers alike,
Advised and shared thoughts of mine,
The relationships that I made from time to time,
Kept me in stead with rich learning

I reached a milestone at halfway point.
Looked at the summit quite far away,
The treacherous path was yet to be taken,
Lest I be left only looking at my destination

A thought of frustration gripped me time and again
Leading to introspection with a fixed expectation
It was then I realized what relativity was all about,
It was in being flexible and redrawing the path forward

Enriching me along the way,
Were tributaries of life’s lessons?
And these were what made me realize,
That the best way forward was to flow with the river of life..

And as I continue with my quest for the unattained,
I look for signs to march ahead at crossroads,
Future is Bright; they still continue to say,
And when I look back at the events that have rolled by,
I would smile at the short but sweet journey called LIFE!!


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1 Response
  1. gravatar Anonymous

    Take Care ;o)Revathi