Paritrana - Changing the face of Indian Democracy

Paritraanaaya Sadhunaam Vinaashaya cha Dushkritaam |
Dharma Samsthapanaathaya Sambhavaami Yuge Yuge ||

“For complete removal of troubles for the Sadhus,
For Destruction of evil forces,
For establishment of Dharma, I shall prevail for ever”

The re assuring words of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita inspired all mortals who were uncertain of the future of the world.

Perhaps taking a cue from the revered epic, a group of 5 IITians , yes, you heard that right, a group of 5 IIT ians have taken the onus upon themselves for cleansing the institution of politics in the world’s biggest democracy.

Paritrana” is what they call themselves and their political party, which bears the torch and mace as the party symbol symbolizes revival and resurgence.

Welcome to the freshness of Young India.

Lead by Tanmay Raj Purohit, the National President of the party, these lads have given up the cozy comforts of Silicon Valley and plunged themselves into the arduous task.

Apparently they were illegally detained in custody by the police when they were part of a social service campaign in remote Rajasthan, and this prompted them to break the shackles and enter the scene of Indian Politics.

An interesting conversation the other day on CNN IBN about Paritrana brought out different perspectives.

Right from the issues of the ROI (Return on Investment)of IIT and IIM pass outs in the Indian context to the actual feasibility of the party in the hinterland of Laloo, Sonia and Advani were discussed.

A member of the faculty at one of the IIT s lauded the effort but asked the youngsters to shun the impression that hailing from an IIT would help them in garnering votes.

Very valid point, indeed.

But it’s time we put our hands together for these people for having dared to do what they have done.

Kudos.Just hope they are not sucked into the system that is already tainted so badly.

India is waiting and watching for the success of this experiment. Well, it’s Rang de Basanti season, after all...
More on Paritrana can be viewed at paritrana

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2 Responses
  1. gravatar Anonymous

    The ideology of Paritrana really looks impressive. Hope we can all do something for the country.

  2. gravatar Anonymous

    Dear Sandeep,

    Looks like you're the only one I know who has read and understood the 'Ideology' of the party.

    For the benefit of non-IITians, can you please translate that into real English?

    PS: I read a comment somewhere that their 'Ideology' document has already been picked up CAT/GMAT coaching institutes for including in comprehension exercises!!