George Bush's Indian Safari

If you ever thought lavish spending meant dining at a star hotel each night with the choicest of drinks and exotic dishes, think again. You may not be guilty enough, after all.

Well, this of course is in comparison with the “basic” security arrangements for the US Head of State, whom Fidel Castro dismissed as “foolish”.

For starters, when Indian Netas travel in a convoy of envious cars of similar type (all but one being decoys ), Bushy (I like the name since it resembles Mushy alias friendly neighborhood Musharraf whom I shall draw into the scene later),
Is supposedly flying down in one of the three Air Force Ones, two out of which are decoys

The entire Maurya Sheraton has been booked by Bushy’s entourage.

My colleague Sibil has chipped in with the following facts about “skin tight security” for Bushy:

The hotel has already been turned into a fortress with the president's entourage booking all the 600 rooms there.

A huge contingent of sniffer dogs, firemen, security officials and bomb squad personnel are at work to make sure that security is foolproof. [ I like it ‘fool’ proof – perfect for Dubyaman]

In 2000, the former US president Bill Clinton stayed on the 16th floor of this hotel. The same suite could be home to Bush also. [History repeats itself]

With 13 rooms at his disposal, the American president will not be cramped for space. [How much land does a man need? 6 feet by 4 feet after all. Source : Tolstoy]

Hotel authorities say the VVIP arrangements are being controlled directly by officials from Washington.

There are separate media enclosures for American reporters and for the Indian press. (can we, Indians know why?)

The area, where embassy representatives have set up base, has been cordoned off.

The hotel's restaurants including the world-famous Bukhara will be out of bound for anyone who's not part of the president's team.

All this does not come as a surpirise for those who are aware that Uncle Sam (the US) has one sixth of the world’s population and yet consumes six times the world’s resources than others.

Meanwhile there are demonstrations being planned in the cities where Bushy is going to be staying/visiting against the US policies in Iraq.
(apparently the Taj Mahal is not on his list since he has more important issues of National interest to discuss. Well, he expects us to buy that?)
In fact, today’s Hindu carried people placards saying “Bush go back” which were akin to those held by Bhagat Singh at the Lahore Railway Station against the Simon Commission.

The cause is common – Attrocities in a land by foreign powers who have no valid reason to interfere with the internal functioning of other nations.

It may also be noted that ‘Busy’ (sorry Bushy, both words are excact opposites) does not stay for more than three days in any country (WOW! The Americans would be pleased to listen to this, if only it were true with his native country as well).

I am told he only enjoys being in his ranch in his free time, doing God knows what.

Friendly Neighborhood Mushy in the mean time is known for his look-alikes who are sourced from the Kumbh Mela in India, each time it happens.

I’m sure amidst all this, Osama would be having the last laugh with regard to the “pro-active” measures to safeguard the person whom most Americans consider the “dumbest” man to have run for US Presidency…

And what does the UN have to say about all this? Just 5 words : “As you please, Mr. Bush”

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1 Response
  1. george bush is on my most-hated person list. i wouldnt want to say anything more about him