Lost Focus?

A very interesting dimension to human intellect is the art of drifting away from one's actual goals. I call it "interesting" because more often than not it is unintentional and happens with most people irrespective of which stratum of society they belong to.

The "drill down" of the thought process stimulates a chain reaction which leads to subsequent clones which take the tangential path along the road less known.

No doubt the journey might throw up some interesting experiences, but these are good for a sojourn and not meaningful in reaching the end state objective.

It's like building a house that is eventually going to be sold to someone for sure. Building it with optimized efforts would probably be a better bet rather than going into the nitty gritties like interior decoration, especially for a house whose pedestal you might not even cross again. If it is going to be more of ego massage for taking the detour too seriously, then it is more akin to finding an address of a street which we donot wish to enter.

Having considered all this, the essential take away is that life's focus needs to be maintained in achieving the long term goals and all that comes along the way are "nice-to-haves". A trade off with the latter is possible , but a compromise with the GOAL - NO WAY!

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