Sanskrit lessons: An anecdote to remember

" सम्स्क्रुत भाषा ढेवभाषा गीर्वाण वाणी च। "

were the lines that remain embedded in my mind from the class 6 lesson delivered by Shri Harsha Sir. I am still amused with myself for one reason. We, the class of VI B had no doubt opted for Sanskrit as our first language, but were awe struck when a teacher in a crisp shirt and blue jean walked in, to tutor us. We had expected a traditional instructor in "dhoti" and kurta, with a knotted hairdo to actually deliver Sanskrit sermons, very much akin to the situation in the "Valley of the Cobras" by Herge(of Tintin fame) where the detective is refused entry to the crime scene owing to the fact that he was not present in a Sherlock Holmes outfit.

But things went on well after that, for, we were gradually convinced that we were pursuing a course in Sanskrit and not Modern Art.

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1 Response
  1. hey ashu
    deepak here (remember)? any idea what sriharsha sir is doing now?