Illusion of Prosperity?

"The Market is bullish... We are on track to achieve double digit growth...". the newspaper screams

Today, we have governing bodies to monitor the government. We have more bodies to monitor these bodies and then we spend crores of currency on maintaining the "babus".

SCENE 1: A meeting of well to do executives discussing policy issues in a plush, state-of-the-art building in Chennai.

SCENE 2: Ragged children selling Economic Times on the road just outside the plush building.

When we all gloat of all achievements,Widening disparity is something we all need to ponder about.

Not just ponder, we need to make moves.

How to make a difference? visit

No, I am not a pessimist. I am a realist....[Period]

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1 Response
  1. I liked this post of yours a lot. Although I have heard/read about it many times.

    I don't know if becoming part of any organization will help solve any situations in our country...As far as I see it every individual must feel it in his/her bones and do something for his country...

    As many organizations that we have in our country I do not see anything acheived with them...Personal level commitment according to me is very important. We as Indians always keep our house clean and public spaces dirty...we should change that...

    Nice thought though...contrary to what I have said above...I do agree that organizations raise awareness...and like all other Indians I hope that our futre will be brighter...