Grandma Remembers - The Series.

In today's age of materialistic pursuits, we often tend to ignore ( i would not say neglect) the contributions of our elder generations in making us what we are capable of, today.

Grandparents form the roots(few of us have had the experience of being with our great grandparents). It's about time we look up to them as sources of inspiration, and provide them with the pedestal they rightly deserve.

In this series, i would like to share the experiences of my unforgettable grandmas - ranging from the hardships of the days British raj, to the simple yet enjoyable musings of life , and all those events that could act as learnings for generations ahead.

Very often have we taken them for granted, thought them to be out of place with the 'Yo' life but still realized that when we fell sick with fever, they still came to us affectionately and pampered us with glucose biscuits and warm water?

A trip down memory lane that would leave the freshness in our minds is something I would like to share with you all.

I believe everyone would have had experiences of similar kind and could relate to the same.

More coming up in the next post.

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4 Responses
  1. Your post comes a day after I was whining about how much I miss my ajji :-)
    You're so right abt the 'taking them for granted' part. I wish I'd realised this earlier, as a budding teenager, and truly understood the fact that they won't be around forever.

    looking fwd to your next post and some more nostalgia :-)

  2. yes, you are right about this. kudos to them for putting up with our tantrums and still not complaining about the same.

  3. The day before was my Grandpa's 'thiti', he died when I was doing my 7th std. After all these years, it was a little surprising for me when all I could do was cry... I still remember the way he made me sit on his lap n teach me 'Thiruppavai'...

    “Life gives us brief moments with another... but sometimes in those brief moment we get memories that last a life time...”

    luv to be on the 'trip down memory lane'... :)

  4. I just chanced upon your blog and I am sure that I have bored you a lot with all my comments...anyhoo...I had to write this...

    I was unlucky that the only grandparent that I ever spent any quality time was my paternal grandfather who also passed away when I was in my fourth grade...

    I am total J and envious of you but I am happy that at least one of us got lucky ;)...

    I always wished that I had granny or granpy but I was always alone during those summer holidays when everyone went off to their granny's home :(